Our Academy Governance Committee (AGC) has some delegated responsibilities from the Trust Board of Directors as outlined in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation. They engage with our local community. They do not hold the academy to account but carry out the following role:
Vision and Values
For details of Trust governance click here: https://www.pdet.org.uk/governance/pdet-governance-structure
For the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation and for specific details of the AGC’s role click here: https://www.pdet.org.uk/governance/governance-documents
For the Trust’s memorandum and articles of association, annual accounts, annual report and funding agreement click here: https://www.pdet.org.uk/key-documents/financial-documents
To contact Mr Lovett the chair of governors please email office@stmarys.pdet.org.uk or send any correspondence to
Mr M Lovett
St Mary's C E Primary Academy
High Street
Burton Latimer
NN15 5RL
Governor | Name |
Date Appointed |
Business and Pecuniary interest |
Staff Ex Officio |
Mrs Erica Holt Mrs Sarah Reynolds |
01/10/2018 01/09/2023 |
N/A |
2 Church Governors |
Mrs Rachael Newman Mr John Johnson |
22/03/2024 16/02/2021 |
N/A Foundation Governor of Isham CEVA |
2 Community Governors |
Mr Michael Lovett Mr Michael Sinclair |
07/03/2019 01/07/2022 |
Partner, Milham Partners Education Consultants N/A |
2 Parent Governors (Plus 2 previous) |
Mrs Yasmin Santoriello Mrs Claire Bambridge
Previous : Mrs Laura Hughes - departed Sep 2024 Previous : Mrs Mel Dickerson - departed Sep 2024
01/11/2024 01/11/2024
01/11/2022 01/11/2022
N/A N/A |
1 Staff Governor | Miss Tracey Sanders | 21/10/2022 | N/A |
The Governors were appointed by the AGC.
Chair person/SEND Governor/Governor training | Mr Lovett |
Vice Chair Person/Church Governor | Mr Johnson |
Church governor | Mrs Rachael Newman |
Safeguarding governor | Mr Johnson |
Pupil premium governor | TBC |
Sports premium governor | Mr Johnson |
GDPR governor | Miss Sanders |
RE and Collective Worship governor | Mrs Rachael Newman |
Health & Safety governor | Mr Sinclair |
Early Years & Foundation Stage | TBC |
Website monitoring governor | Mrs Bambridge & Mrs Santoriello |
Principal | Mrs Reynolds |
Executive Headteacher | Mrs Holt |