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Vision and Values:

At St Mary’s CE Primary School we aim to create for an environment which enables and encourages all members of the community to reach out for excellence. For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly, and your child should be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. Obviously, we would like to see pupils as close to 100% as possible but understand that at times, we all get sick. Any absence affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence will seriously affect their learning.


Promoting and Incentivising Good Attendance:

In our academy we celebrate attendance in our collective worship with the winning class having the privilege of keeping the school mascot for the week. If any class gets 100% they get to keep the 100% trophy for the week. Children who are on our attendance watchlist have an incentive of a treat from the prize box if they attend school every day.


School Opening Times

The DFE has stated from  September 2022 that all primary schools' school weeks need to be at least 32.5 hours therefore we are altering our starting and finishing times for all classes from September to make it a more cohesive start to the day.


Starting times: 8:45 am in class

Finishing times: 3:15 pm

In the morning gates will open at 8:40am for children to be dropped off at their classes and will be closed promptly at 8:50am for school to start. Any child arriving after this time needs to go to the School Office and be signed in.


In the afternoon gates will open at 3:10pm for children to be collected at 3:15pm from their classes.  Please ensure that you drop off and pick up promptly from their class exits.

KS2 children should continue to be encouraged to come into the school site in the mornings by themselves to minimise people accessing the site.