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St. Mary’s Parent Teacher Friends Association (PTFA)

St. Mary’s PTFA is made up of parents, teachers and staff from our school; and also people in the local community who come together to help support our school to give our children the best education and opportunities possible.

The PTFA aims to organise events and activities that:

• Raise money to benefit all of the children within the school
• Create and maintain a fun sense of community within the school
• Build and maintain relationships with the local community
• Support the school in promoting the values that the school uphold

There are many different ways to help your PTFA; whether you have lots of time to offer or not. We work to organise selected events that align with the above aims. These activities are only limited by our imagination as a school and the amount of time that our volunteers have. The monies raised by the PTFA enhance the school’s facilities for the children.

These have included:

• Outdoor play equipment
• A stage for performances
• A sound system
• A whole-school pantomime performance (annually)
• An Outdoor reading/quiet area
• A playhouse for EYFS
• An Easter egg for every child (annually)
• A Christmas present for every child (annually)
• School discos
• Christmas and Summer Fairs
• Reading books to invigorate school reading system
• A school memento and party for the Year 6 leavers (annually)

Every penny is spent on the enrichment of St. Mary’s children. From enhancing education with books, sensory equipment, visitors, and a wildlife area; to encouraging activity and play with outdoor climbing equipment, breaktime games, their first book bag, and year 6 leavers celebrations; funds raised by the PTFA are intended to provide extras not already paid for by the school's funding, which are often 'fun things' that make learning more interesting and exciting.

We are very fortunate to have wonderful parent helpers and staff that give up their own time, and local businesses that help where they can. If you can help too, please send us your contact details to stmarys.ptfa@yahoo.co.uk, or leave your name and number with the school office.