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Appearance is one of the aspects by which we are judged in the community. We want the children to feel proud to belong to our school and wish to be identified with it by wearing the correct school colours. 

It is essential that all items of clothing are clearly marked with the pupil’s name.

Required Uniform

  • Grey Trousers, Grey Pinafore Dress, Grey Shorts, Grey Skirt
  • White Shirt or White Polo Shirt (school logo optional)
  • Logo Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan
  • Blue/white check dress (Summer)
  • Black shoes or Black trainers (any logo but it needs to be in black)


Uniform items can be purchased at most high street shops, however the following items which include the school logo can be purchased from Karl Sports. Prices start from:

  • School Sweatshirt embroidered with logo £11.00
  • School Cardigan with logo £12.00
  • School Polo shirt embroidered with logo £8.00
  • Showerproof Jackets with logo £20.00
  • School Caps with logo (one size) £5.00
  • Book Bags £8.00 or £9.00


P.E Kit - no black items please

  • Navy t-shirt with school logo (compulsory from Sep 2025, older colours are available until then)
  • Navy blue jumper with logo (compulsory from Sep 2025, older colours are available until then)
  • Royal blue or navy blue shorts (cycling shorts are permitted)
  • Royal blue or navy blue jogging bottoms (for colder days)
  • Navy blue leggings (for colder days if they prefer these to jogging bottoms)
  • Trainers (or plimsolls) these can be any colour but must be suitable for sports


As the weather turns colder please ensure your child is suitably prepared for both indoor and outdoor PE lessons. We advise pupils have gloves and a rainproof jacket. 

Children who participate in football practice need football boots, shin pads, shorts and jersey.

Jewellery should not be worn for any sport, and we ask that you do not have your child’s ears pierced during term time.


Karl Sports

Karl Sports are able to provide you with uniform. You are able to call, email or collect your orders at the Kettering store. 

Karl Sports School Wear

Address: Unit 7, Trafalgar Road, Kettering, Northants, NN16 8DB
Website: https://ksschoolwear.co.uk
Phone: 01536 601731

Please see below for their uniform order form.


Pre-loved uniform is also available via the PTFA - please contact them at stmarys.ptfa@yahoo.co.uk or via the school office: reception@stmarys.pdet.org.uk