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NUTS & SHELLFISH: We have some children who have a serious nut/shellfish allergy and so we ask that parents do not send their children in with any product containing nuts (e.g. peanut butter or Nutella) or shellfish.



As a school we are proud of our Healthy Schools Award. Children can have either a hot meal or a packed lunch.



Our lunch provider is ABM who provide delicious and nutritious meals in line with DFE regulations. All meals are freshly prepared and cooked on site by our team. If your child has any special dietary requirements these can be catered for by our lunch providers. Children in Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal, and the daily cost is £2.60 for children in Key Stage 2.

We change our menu every term and encourage children to try new things. We also offer taster sessions for parents and children which have shown just how good the food is.

Payment for meals is to be made through ParentMail. If you have not got a ParentMail account please talk to the school office and they will help you to set one up.

Parent feedback from the taster session gave our meals 10/10 and even asked for a take away option!



For packed lunches we suggest may include the following items:



Vegetable sticks



A small treat 

Water to drink

We do not allow fizzy drinks or sweets in school.


Here is a guide to healthy snacks: https://www.nhs.uk/healthier-families/food-facts/healthier-snacks/?scrlybrkr=66a218a3


Our Healthy Eating Policy and Healthy Lunchbox Guide are also attached below, and please refer to this for suggestions on what to pack in your child's packed lunch. 


We have some children who have a serious nut allergy and so we ask that parents do not send their children in with any product containing nuts (e.g. peanut butter or Nutella).